Father Route 66 Story Avery

Father Route 66 Story Avery

Review of “The Father of Route 66: The Story of Cy Avery”


Route 66 is a historic road that stretches over 2,400 miles and is known as the “Main Street of America”. It has inspired many stories, books, and movies, including “The Father of Route 66: The Story of Cy Avery” written by Susan Croce Kelly and Quinta Scott. This 1000-word review will evaluate the book from a user’s perspective, provide evidence of the authors’ expertise, compare it to other books on Route 66, and discuss its benefits and drawbacks.

Expert Opinion

The authors of “The Father of Route 66: The Story of Cy Avery” are leading experts on the history of Route 66. Susan Croce Kelly is a professor of history and Quinta Scott is a professional photographer who has documented the road for decades. Their knowledge and passion for Route 66 are evident throughout the book, making it a reliable source of information.

Evidence and Visuals

The book contains numerous visuals, including historic and contemporary photographs, maps, and original documents. These images help readers understand the history of the road and how it has evolved over time. The authors also provide first-hand accounts from people who have traveled on Route 66, adding a personal and intimate touch to the book.

Performance and Competitors

Compared to other books on Route 66, “The Father of Route 66: The Story of Cy Avery” stands out for its focus on the man who played a crucial role in the creation of the road. Cy Avery was a Tulsa-based businessman who lobbied for the creation of Route 66 and was instrumental in its design and construction. By exploring Avery’s life and work, the authors provide a unique perspective on the road that is absent from other books.

Benefits and Drawbacks

One of the benefits of “The Father of Route 66: The Story of Cy Avery” is its comprehensive coverage of the road’s history. The book explores not only the construction of the road but also its impact on American culture and society. Additionally, the authors provide a detailed account of Avery’s life and work, highlighting his contributions to the road’s creation.

However, one drawback is that the book’s focus on Avery may not be of interest to all readers. Those who are looking for a broader overview of Route 66’s history may find the book too narrowly focused on one individual.

Link to Other Resources

For readers who want to learn more about Route 66, the authors provide links to other resources, including websites, museums, and books. The book serves as a valuable starting point for those who want to explore the road further.


Overall, “The Father of Route 66: The Story of Cy Avery” is a well-written and informative book that provides a unique perspective on the history of the road. The authors’ expertise and passion for the topic are evident throughout the book, and the inclusion of visuals and first-hand accounts make it an engaging read. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in Route 66’s history, particularly those who want to learn more about the road’s creation and the man who made it possible.

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Author: i66